About Us

Members of D.T.P come from many different countries around Asia. We accept anyone from any country.
English is the main language we use to communicate with each other. We look forward to having more
members to join us and be part of this great family. We strive to be the best farming guild in achieving
the most amount of guild points weekly.

Guild Requirements : Fighter3 in Arena and A+ Rank in World Boss

Guild Members are listed according to rank then IGN.
The number of Lv40s will be written as numbers beside each respective players.
Inactives will be placed at bottom of the list.

Member list (as of 11th Sept 2018)

1. [D.T.P]Kaixer (Leader) (90)

Before 1st Armistice ends

Blue = Finish at least 20 guild siege attacks

Green = Finish at least 15 guild siege attacks
Orange = Finish at least 10 guild siege attacks

Guild Siege rules

1. Failure to do meet either part = banned for Current week + Next week guild siege.